结果:在医院监测的24h眼压平均值略低于在家中测量值,平均差为0.27 mmHg,两者比较差异无统计学意义。在医院监测的24h眼压的波动值略高于在家中测量的波动值,平均差为0.01 mmHg。14点在家中测量的眼压平均值(16.04±5.95 mmHg)显著高于在医院测量的眼压平均值(15.43±5.16 mmHg),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。在家中及在医院24h眼压监测对于临床上原发性开角型青光眼诊断的一致性为85%(K系数:0.68)。
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AIM: To compare intraocular pressure(IOP)fluctuations measured at home and in the clinic over a 24-hour period.
METHODS: A prospective investigational study. A total of 120 Chinese participants were selected from five communities in the Chengdu area. Patients underwent a clinical interview and IOP was measured both at home and in the clinic. IOP were measured at 8 a.m., 10 a.m., 12 a.m., 2 p.m., 4 p.m., 6 p.m., 8 p.m., 10 p.m., 2 a.m., 6 a.m. using the same pneumatonometer. Measurements were taken in the sitting position.
RESULTS: The average 24-hour IOP measured in the clinic was slightly lower than that at home. The mean difference in 24-hour IOP measurements between home and clinic was 0.27 mmHg. The IOP fluctuation in the clinic was higher than at home(the mean difference was 0.01 mmHg). There was no statistically significant difference in the average 24-hour IOP measured at home vs in the clinic. The average IOP measured at 2 p.m. at home(16.04±5.95 mmHg)was significantly higher compared with the measurement in the clinic(15.43±5.16 mmHg)(P<0.05). The overall agreement between 24-hour IOP measurements made in the clinic and at home in diagnosis of primary open angle glaucoma was 85.0%(K coefficient: 0.68).
CONCLUSION: The 24-hour IOP measured in the clinic was similar to that measured at home, and the method of measuring IOP in the clinic is acceptable in diagnosing primary open angle glaucoma.