方法:横断面研究。共收集2014-12/2015-05妊娠性高血压患者100例。所有患者均行眼底检查。单眼或双眼眼底发生变化视为阳性。妊娠性高血压分级为轻度子痫前期(血压>140/90~160/90 mmHg),重度子痫前期(血压>160/90 mmHg)和子痫前期(重度子痫前期和抽搐)。
[Key word]
AIM: To determine the prevalence of retinal changes in pregnancy induced hypertension(PIH)patients and to correlate between retinal changes and the severity of disease.
METHODS: A cross-sectional observation study was conducted in 100 PIH patients over a period of 6mo(Dec 2014-May 2015). Fundus examination was done in all patients. Fundus changes in right or left or both eyes, was taken as positive. The PIH graded as mild pre-eclampsia(BP >140/90 to 160/90 mmHg), severe pre-eclampsia(BP>160/90 mmHg)and eclampsia(severe pre-eclampsia and convulsions).
RESULTS:Mean age was 23.05y(19-34y). Gestation period ranged from 28 to 41wk. Sixty-two were primi gravida and 38 were multigravida. 62%, 26%, 12% of patients had mild, severe pre-eclampsia, eclampsia respectively. Retinal changes were identified in 8 patients. Grade Ⅰ, Grade Ⅱ, Grade Ⅲ, Grade Ⅳ hypertensive retinopathy(HTR), serous retinal detachment(SRD)and central serous chorioretinopathy(CSCR)observed in 1%, 0%, 2%, 2%, 1% and 2% of patients respectively. There was a statistically significant positive association of retinal changes and severity of the PIH(P=0.0001).
CONCLUSION:Retinal changes were seen in 8% of patients with PIH and there is a positive correlation between retinal changes and severity of PIH.