近视是生活中最常见的眼科疾病,它严重威胁着人们的眼部健康。目前,很多研究者应用光学相干断层成像(optical coherence tomography,OCT)以测量近视的视网膜结构变化,视网膜结构变化则是由屈光增加引起的眼轴增长导致的。另外,人们利用多焦视网膜电图进行视网膜功能的测量。全局闪光多焦视网膜电图(multifocal electroretinography, mf-ERG)可以同时测量视网膜内层和外层的功能。有些研究者在同一个研究中联合应用OCT和mf-ERG,以便于更好地了解近视引起的结构与功能变化的联系。我们需要更多的研究以了解二者之间的联系。
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Myopia is the highest incidence of eye disease in society, it threated people's eye health seriously. At present, many researchers measure the structural changes of retina which caused by the extension of eye axial due to the refractive error according to the optical coherence tomography(OCT). Besides, multifocal electroretinography(mf-ERG)was used to detect the function of retina in myopia. Global flash mf-ERG can evaluate the function of retina including both outer and inner retina. Some researchers focus on the correlation between structural and functional changes in myopia using OCT and mf-ERG. More researches are needed to clarify the structural and functional changes in myopia.