结果:共检出重度视力残疾3 266例,其中残疾一级2 118例,二级1 148例; 男1 308例,女1 958例; 前三位的致盲性眼病是视网膜色素膜疾病、先天性遗传性疾病、角膜病,分别占31.58%,23.47%,14.49%。
[Key word]
AIM:To investigate the cause of blindness, except those caused by cataract, in Haimen city.
METHODS:According to the WHO's criteria of blindness, the blindness level was decided through ophthalmic tests by associate chief or chief ophthalmologists who were trained especially for disability evaluation. The analysis of the the leading cause were taken too.
RESULTS:Totally 3 266 persons were blindness, in which 2 118 were first level blindness, 1 148 persons were second lever blindness, and 1 308 persons were male, 1 958 were female. The leading cause of blindness were retina and uveitis diseases(31.58%), genetic diseases(23.47%), cornea disease(14.49%).
CONCLUSION:The leading cause of blindness are retina and uveitis diseases, genetic diseases, cornea diseases in Haimen city of Jiangsu province. Early prevention and treatment should be strengthened to reduce the occurrence of blindness.