目的:回顾分析我院角膜屈光术后群发性弥漫性层间角膜炎(diffuse lamellar keratitis,DLK)发病原因和治疗。
方法:收集我院2016-02-10/22期间于我院行角膜屈光手术(包括LASIK手术,FS-LASIK, SMILE)后出现DLK患者53例98眼,分析其发病原因并根据其程度和范围制定相应的治疗方案, 并观察治疗后1、3、5、7、10d及1mo时的恢复情况。
结果:本研究中共发生5次群发性的DLK,在更换一次性手术用品、冲洗液以及对手术室的温湿度重新调整后,DLK的发生率明显降低。其中Ⅰ级DLK 80眼(82%)、Ⅱ 级DLK 11眼(11%)、Ⅲ级DLK 4眼(4%)、Ⅳ级DLK 3眼(3%)。其中行FS-LASIK手术的发病率为40%(42例79眼),Hastome角膜刀辅助的LASIK术发病率为45%(5例10眼),SMILE手术组发病率为20%(6例9眼)。经过相应的激素治疗和掀瓣冲洗处理,均取得良好的治疗效果。
[Key word]
AIM: To investigate the potential causes and management of the clusters of diffuse lamellar keratitis(DLK)after laser corneal refractive surgery.
METHODS: The study enrolled 98 eyes(53 patients)complicated with DLK after receiving laser in situ keratomileusis(LASIK), FS-LASIK or small-incision lenticule extraction(SMILE)in our center from February 10th,2016 to February 22th,2016. They were given clinical classification treatments according to corneal layer inflammatory extent and then followed up after 1, 3, 5, 7, 10d and 1mo.
RESULTS: The clusters of DLK occurred 5 times in the study period. The incidence and degree of DLK significantly decreased after changed the sterilization, surgical equipments, temperature and humidity of the operating room. There were 80 eyes(82%)had stage 1 DLK, 11 eyes(11%)had stage 2, 4 eyes(4%)had stage 3 and 3 eyes(3%)had stage 4. The incidence of DLK after FS-LASIK was 40%(79 eyes in 42 patients), that after LASIK assistant by Hastome keratome was 45%(10 eyes in 5 patients), that after SMILE was 20%(9 eyes in 6 patients). After intensive treatment, as glucocorticoid treatment and flap lifting flushing, all cases recovered within 1mo.
CONCLUSION: The outbreak of DLK may be associated with the disposable item, flushing liquor, temperature and humidity of the operating room. Early diagnosis, prevention and treatment are the key of decreasing the incidence of DLK.