结果:干眼发生率:对照组为3.3%(5例),计算机用户组为61.8%(94例)。两组差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01)。眼部不适症状发生率:对照组为7.9%(12例),计算机用户组为34.2%(52例),两组之间的差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01)。计算机用户组,不同性别、不同年龄之间干眼发生率无统计学差异(P=0.8)。干眼患者平均每天使用计算机时间为6.65±3.52h,对照组为1.62±2.54 h(T=13.25, P<0.001)。
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AIM: To determine the frequency of dry eye in computer users and to compare them with control group.
METHODS: This study was a case control research conducted in 2015 in the city of Birjand. Sample size of study was estimated to be 304 subjects(152 subjects in each group, computer user group and control group). Non-randomized method of sampling was used in both groups. Schirmer test was used to evaluate dry eye of subjects. Then, subjects completed questionnaire. This questionnaire was developed based on objectives and reviewing the literature. After collecting the data, they were entered to SPSS Software and they were analyzed using Chi-square test or Fisher's test at the alpha level of 0.05.
RESULTS: In total, 304 subjects(152 subjects in each group)were included in the study. Frequency of dry eyes in the control group was 3.3%(5 subjects)and it was 61.8% in computer users group(94 subjects). Significant difference was observed between two groups in this regard(P<0.001). The frequency of eye symptoms in the control group was 7.9%(n=12), and it was 34.2% in computer users group(n=52), which significant difference was observed between two groups in this regard(P<0.001). Frequency of dry eye syndrome in computer users by gender and age groups showed no significant correlation in this regard(P=0.8). The mean working hour with computer per day in patients with dry eye was 6.65±3.52h, while it was 1.62±2.54h in healthy group(T=13.25, P<0.001).
CONCLUSION: This study showed a significant relationship between using computer and dry eye and ocular symptoms. Thus, it is necessary that officials need to pay particular attention to working hours with computer by employees. They should also develop appropriate plans to divide the working hours with computer among computer users. However, due to various confounding factors, it is recommended that these factors to be controlled in future studies.