方法:采用横断面研究设计,纳入正常受试者43例86眼,用Cirrus HD-OCT扫描受试者双眼以黄斑中心凹为中心6mm×6mm扫描区的视网膜各层厚度图像,采用神经节细胞复合体自动分割算法(ganglion cell analysis,GCA)分析软件对黄斑区神经节细胞内丛状层(GCIPL)进行分析。测量指标 GCA算法GCIPL厚度识别范围是GCL的最内层到IPL的最外层。测量指标包括:平均厚度、最小厚度、椭圆分区2:00、4:00、6:00、8:00、10:00和12:00区域。每个受检眼先由A操作者连续拍摄2次,然后由B操作者拍摄2次,后两次扫描均采用随访模式,计算出受试者内部标准差(SD)、变异系数(CV)和同类相关系数(ICC)以评价该仪器测量的可重复性。
结果:右眼黄斑区GCIPL平均厚度为85.12±3.95μm,最小平均厚度为83.21±4.41μm,SD范围3.79~4.84μm, CV:95%CI 0.26~0.93,ICC为0.939~0.989。左眼黄斑区GCIPL平均厚度为84.65±8.73μm,最小平均厚度为81±13.08μm, SD范围8.24~10.56μm,CV:95%CI 0.92~4.94,ICC为0.264~0.968。
结论:Cirrus HD-OCT GCA是一种非常可靠的工具,可提供重复性的GCIPL厚度计算,在视网膜疾病的监测和随访上有很大的临床应用潜力。
[Key word]
AIM: To evaluate the repeatability and reproducibility of thickness profile measurement of intra-retinal layers determined by an automated algorithm applied to OCT images from Cirrus optical coherence tomography(OCT)instrument.
METHODS: In this prospective cross-sectional study, retinal thickness images at 6mm×6mm around fovea were obtained from 86 eyes of 43 normal subjects with Cirrus HD- OCT instrument. The retinal images from patients were analysis by Cirrus automated algorithm GCA software, including ganglion cell layer and inner plexiform layer(GCIPL). During this study, operator A would make 2 times measurements to all patients, after that operator B would make another 2 times measurements by Repeat scan model. All the data, including GCL average thickness, min thickness, 12 clock average thickness, 2 clock average thickness, 4 clock average thickness,6 clock average thickness, 8 clock average thickness and 10 clock average thickness were measured by SPSS 15.0 software. Standard deviation(SD), coefficient of variation(CV)and interclass correlation coefficient(ICC)were calculated from the results of three-times tests by different examiner to evaluate the repeatability and from the results of two different examiners to assess the reproducibility. Written informed consent was obtained from each subject prior to any medical procedure.
RESULTS: The average GCIPL thickness of OD was 85.12±3.95μm; the minimum average GCIPL thickness was 83.21±4.41μm; the standard deviation of OD in clock map was from 3.79μm to 4.84μm; CV(95%CI)was between 0.26 and 0.93; ICC was from 0.939 to 0.989. The average GCL+IPL thickness of OS was 84.65±8.73μm; the minimum average GCPL thickness was 81±13.08μm; the standard deviation of OS in clock map was from 8.24μm to 10.56μm; CV(95%CI)was between 0.92 and 4.94; ICC was from 0.264 to 0.968.
CONCLUSION: Cirrus HD-OCT GCA software with automated algorithm can offer accurate and repeatable thickness profile of OCT retinal image. GCA is a useful and reliable approach to the measurement of intra-retinal layer thickness, which may improve the diagnosis and monitoring of retinal diseases.