结果:眼球穿通伤患儿145眼占同期住院眼外伤患者的8.5%,其中男95例,女50例,3~9岁是儿童眼球穿通伤的高发期。儿童眼球穿通伤的主要致伤物为剪刀、木质和铁质锐器; 伤口常位于角膜和前部巩膜; 常见并发症为外伤性白内障、玻璃体积血和感染性眼内炎。眼球穿通伤后,患儿视力损伤严重,经积极有效的手术治疗,90眼(62.1%)患儿视力达到0.1以上。
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AIM: To analyze the clinical features of children ocular penetrating trauma, and hope to effectively assist to prevent pediatric ocular trauma
METHODS: The data of 145 cases(145 eyes)with ocular penetrating trauma, hospitalized in Xijing Hospital from January 2012 to December 2016, were collected and retrospectively analyzed. All the data of injury factors and environment, age and gender of patients, lesions, treatment and prognosis were detailed studied.
RESULTS: In all the 145 pediatric patients with ocular penetrating trauma, accounted for 8.5% of all the ocular trauma patients, there were 95 cases of male, and 50 of female. Penetrating injuries mainly occurred in age of 3-9. The main injuries of ocular perforating in children were scissors, and sharp objects of wooden and iron. The wound was often located in the cornea or the anterior sclera. Traumatic cataract, vitreous hemorrhage and endophthalmitis were the common complications. The visual acuity was severely damaged, and 90 cases(62.1%)of the children recovered better than 0.1 after effective treatment.
CONCLUSION: The visual function of pediatric p0atients was seriously threatened after penetrating injuries. However, the damage of vision and the rate of blindness can be reduced effectively after timely and correct diagnosis and treatment. It is the most important that active and effective prevention in keep children away from penetrating injuries.
陕西省社会发展科技攻关项目(No.2015SF217); 白求恩·朗沐中青年眼科科研基金(No.BJ-LM2015002L); 西京医院临床高新技术项目(No.XJGX15Y03)