方法:前瞻性横断面研究。92例(92眼)正常个体根据虹膜颜色分为深色组(DCE)和浅色组(LCE)。用标准光学相干断层扫描(OCT)分析RNFL和黄斑厚度,EDI(Electronic data interchange)分析脉络膜厚度。脉络膜厚度在中央凹及水平位置距离中央凹1500μm的鼻侧、颞侧进行测量。
结果:92眼中,深色组62眼(67.4%)平均年龄29.22±5.86y, 浅色组30眼(32.6%)平均年龄28.86±6.50y。各组间平均年龄、眼轴长度、黄斑厚度、脉络膜厚度及眼压无显著性差异(P>0.05)。视网膜神经纤维层厚度的变化取决于测量象限,而LCE个体在全眼球,鼻侧和颞侧象限较低(P≤0.022)。
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AIM: To determine whether there was a significant relationship between eye iris color with axial length, intraocular pressure, retinal nerve fiber layer(RNFL)thickness, macular thickness and choroidal thickness.
METHODS: A prospective cross-sectional study involving 92 eyes of 92 healthy volunteers. These were divided into dark colored-eye(DCE)and light-colored eye(LCE)groups according to iris color. The RNFL and macular thicknesses were analysed with standard optical coherence tomography(OCT)protocol while choroidal thickness was analysed with electronic data interchange(EDI)protocol in all subjects. Choroidal thickness was measured at the fovea, 1500 μm nasal and 1500 μm temporal to the fovea in a horizontal section.
RESULTS: Of the 92 eyes included, 62(67.4%)were dark-colored while 30(32.6%)were light-colored. The mean age was 29.22±5.86y in the subjects with DCE and 28.86±6.50y in those with LCE. No significant difference was detected in mean age, axial length, macular thickness, choroidal thickness and intraocular pressure(IOP)between the groups(P>0.05). However, RNFL thicknesses varied depending on the quadrant measured, and were lower in both global and the nasal and temporal quadrants for individuals with LCE(P≤0.022).
CONCLUSION: No significant differences were found in IOP, macular thickness and choroid thickness between individuals with DCE and LCE. Meanwhile, the RNFL thickness is lower.