结果:散光(|DC|≥0.50D)检出308例(36.2%),其中双眼散光137例,单眼散光171例; 五种散光类型发生率分别为复合远视40.7%,混合35.5%,复合近视8.5%,单纯近视8.3%,单纯远视7.0%; 三种散光程度发生率分别是轻度69.0%,中度16.6%,高度14.4%; 不同散光轴向发生率分别为顺规54.9%,逆规28.8%,斜轴16.6%; 双眼散光眼中双眼轴向对称35.8%,不对称64.2%。
结论:学龄前儿童散光类型以复合远视和混合散光为主; 散光程度以轻度为主,随年龄增加中度、高度散光发生率有上升趋势。
[Key word]
AIM: To study the type, degree and axial distribution of low vision astigmatism in preschool children.
METHODS: A group of 3-6 years old children were selected for astigmatism screening, and statistical analysis was performed on the detected 445 eyes of 308 people.
RESULTS: With more than 0.50D astigmatism criteria, astigmatism examination of 308 people, accounting for 36.2%, of which 137 eyes astigmatism, astigmatism 171 monocular. The five types of astigmatism were compound hyperopia 40.7%, mixed 35.5%, compound myopia 8.5%, myopia 8.3%, simple hyperopia astigmatism degree 7.0%; 69.0% were mild, 16.6% moderate, 14.4% severe. Astigmatism axial distribution was with the rule for 54.9%, against the rule 28.8%, oblique 16.6%. In binocular astigmatism eyes, axial symmetry was in 35.8%, asymmetry in 64.2%.
CONCLUSION: The main type of astigmatism in preschool children are compound hyperopia and mixed astigmatism. Astigmatism degree is mainly mild. With the increase of age, the detection rate of moderate and high astigmatism increased.