目的:比较传统接触式A超与IOL Master在眼轴及前房深度测量中的准确性,探讨不同测量方法的临床应用特点。
方法:前瞻性分析2015-01/2016-12在我院行白内障超声乳化及人工晶状体植入术的患者145例189眼,术前根据IOL Master测得眼轴长度(L)将患者分为5组:A组:L≤22mm; B组:2228mm。术前分别用接触式A超及IOL Master测量眼轴长度和前房深度,IOL Master测量角膜曲率。L≤22mm用Hoffer Q公式计算人工晶状体度数,L>22mm用Haigis公式计算人工晶状体度数。比较两种方法测量的眼轴长度、前房深度及术后3mo平均绝对屈光误差(MAE)。结果:分别用A超和IOL Master测量术前眼轴长度:A组:21.48±0.41mm和21.46±0.40mm; B组:23.13±0.62mm和23.14±0.63mm; C组:25.24±0.56mm和25.27±0.59mm; D组:26.97±0.59mm和27.03±0.64mm,以上各组二者差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05); E组:30.76±1.40mm和31.01±1.53mm,二者差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。A超和IOL Master测量术前前房深度:A组:2.81±0.35mm和2.82±0.41mm; B组:3.04±0.50mm和3.10±0.47mm; C组:3.55±0.62mm和3.60±0.52mm; D组:3.42±0.24mm和3.51±0.30mm; E组:3.50±0.28mm和3.61±0.34mm,以上各组二者差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。A超和IOL Master测量术后3mo MAE:A组:0.50±0.30D和0.43±0.27D; B组:0.48±0.34D和0.45±0.32D; C组:0.56±0.32D和0.49±0.40D; D组:0.64±0.16D和0.50±0.22D,以上各组二者差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05); E组:0.91±0.47D和0.62±0.29D,二者差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),其中MAE≤0.50D检出率分别为38.7%和65%,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05); MAE≤1.00D检出率分别为69.2%和83.3%,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。
结论:IOL Master与接触式A超在生物测量上具有高度一致性,对于长眼轴(L>28mm)患者精确性更高,是一种操作简单、精确性高、重复性好、非接触的测量仪器。
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AIM:To compare the accuracy of conventional contact A-scan and IOL Master in measuring axial length and anterior chamber depth, and to evaluate the characteristics of these two different methods.
METHODS:Totally 145 cases(189 eyes)who underwent phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation in our hospital from January 2015 to December 2016 were observed prospectively. They were divided into five groups according to ocular axial length measured by IOL Master(Group A: AL≤22mm, Group B:22mm28mm). The axial length and anterior chamber depth were measured by A-scan and IOL Master respectively before operation, corneal curvature was measured by IOL Master. AL≤22mm using Hoffer Q formula to calculate the crystal degree, AL>22mm using Haigis formula to calculate the crystal degree. Analysis of axial length, anterior chamber depth and mean absolute refractive error at 3mo after surgery.RESULTS:The axial length measured by A-scan and IOL-master: Group A were 21.48±0.41mm and 21.46±0.40mm(P>0.05); Group B were 23.13±0.62mm and 23.14±0.63mm(P>0.05); Group C were 25.24±0.56mm and 25.27±0.59mm(P>0.05); Group D were 26.97±0.59mm and 27.03±0.64mm(P>0.05); Group E were 30.76±1.40mm and 31.01±1.53mm(P<0.05). Mean absolute refractive error(MAE)at 3mo after surgery by A-scan and IOL Master: Group A were 0.50±0.30D and 0.43±0.27D(P>0.05); Group B were 0.48±0.34D and 0.45±0.32D(P>0.05); Group C were 0.56±0.32D and 0.49±0.40D(P>0.05); Group D were 0.64±0.16D and 0.50±0.22D(P>0.05); Group E were 0.91±0.47D and 0.62±0.29D(P<0.05), MAE≤±0.50D were 38.7% and 65%(P<0.05), MAE≤±1.00D were 69.2% and 83.3%(P>0.05). Anterior chamber depth measured by A-scan and IOL Master:Group A were 2.81±0.35mm and 2.82±0.41mm(P>0.05); Group B were 3.04±0.50mm and3.10±0.47mm(P>0.05); Group C were 3.55±0.62mm and 3.60±0.52mm(P>0.05); Group D were 3.42±0.24mm and 3.51±0.30mm(P>0.05); Group E were 3.50±0.28mm and 3.61±0.34mm(P>0.05).
CONCLUSION:IOL Master and contact A-scan have a high degree of consistency in the biological measurement, IOL Master has higher accuracy for patients with high myopia and long axis. It is a simple, accurate, good-repeatable and non-contact measurement tool.