结果:原发性结膜肿块422例中,良性肿块403例(95.5%),恶性肿块19例(4.5%)。良性肿块中,鳞状细胞乳头状瘤71例(17.6%),结膜囊肿68例(16.9%),炎性肿块62例(15.4%),色素痣60例(14.9%), 皮样脂肪瘤58例(14.4%)。恶性肿块中,B细胞淋巴瘤6例(31.6%),黑色素瘤6例(31.6%),鳞状细胞癌5例(26.3%)。部分肿块的发生有共同的诱因。
[Key word]
AIM: To improve accuracy of the diagnosis of primary conjunctival masses(PCM)through analyze the clinicopathological characteristics and pathogenic causes of 422 cases of PCM.
METHODS: Clinical manifestations, histological characteristics and immunopheno types were reviewed. Relevant literatures were reviewed.
RESULTS: Benign conjunctival masses were 403 cases(95.5%). Those included masses from squamous cell papilloma(71 cases, 17.6%), conjunctival cyst(68 cases, 16.9%), inflammatory masses(62 cases, 15.4%), pigmented nevus(60 cases, 14.9%), lipoma(58 cases, 14.4%). Malignant conjunctival neoplasms were 19 cases(4.5%). Those included tumors from B Cell Lymphoma(6 cases,31.6%), melanoma(6 cases,31.6%), and squamous cell carcinoma(5 cases, 26.3%). Different types of primary conjunctival masses were induced by the same cause.
CONCLUSION:The pathological types of primary conjunctival masses are various and the majority of which is benign. For the diagnosis of primary conjunctival masses, morphological analysis, immunohistochemical examination shoud be combined to increase the diagnostic accuracy and decrease misdiagnosis rate.