方法:采用简单随机抽样法不重复抽样本市2012-03/2016-04期间8所幼儿园的10 268名3~6岁儿童进行调查,主要行视力、眼位及眼球运动等检查,并予以10g/L阿托品散瞳验光,行眼底检查,排除器质性病变,统计弱视儿童528例,将其作为观察组,选取同期在我院就诊的健康儿童500例为对照组,分别进行儿童弱视单因素分析和多元Logistic回归分析。
结果:经调查统计,陕西省西安市低龄儿童弱视发病率约5.14%,其中屈光不正性弱视发病率最高(61.4%),且病变程度多为轻中度,屈光参差性弱视(24.1%)、斜视性弱视(12.9%)次之,少见形觉剥夺性弱视(1.7%)。经一般资料分析,两组母亲妊娠年龄、孕周及孕次、父母吸烟史、近视家族遗传史均存在统计学差异(P<0.05); 经多因素Logistic回归性分析,母亲妊娠年龄大、孕周时间短、母亲有吸烟史、有近视家族遗传史均是诱发低龄儿童弱视发病的危险因素(P<0.05)。
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AIM: To analyze the amblyopia morbidity status of young children in Shaanxi city of Xi'an Province, and to explore the related risk factors.
METHODS: Totally 10 268 children between 3-6 years old were screened in 8 kindergartens in our city from March 2012 to April 2016 via a simple non-repeated sampling method, and sight, eye position, eye movement examination were mainly implemented; 10g/L atropine mydriatic optometry was taken to detect eye fundus examination, and to eliminate organic lesion. There were 528 amblyopic children were set as the observation group, 500 healthy children who were treated in our hospital at the same time were set as the control group. Single factor analysis and multiple logistic regression analysis were carried out for children with amblyopia.
RESULTS: In a survey, the incidence rate of amblyopia among young children in Shaanxi Xi'an was 5.14%. Ametropic amblyopia accounted for the highest proportion(61.4%), and lesion extent was usually mild to moderate, ametropic amblyopia accounted for 24.1%, which was inferior to that was the strabismus accounted as 12.9%, rare were form deprivation amblyopia accounted for 1.7%. General data analysis showed that, there were significant differences between the two groups in maternal gestational age, gestational weeks and times of pregnancy, smoking history of parents, family genetic history of myopia(P<0.05). Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that pregnancy when old, mother's smoking history, family genetic history of myopia and short gestational weeks were risk factors for amblyopia in young children(P<0.05).
CONCLUSION: There is a certain oneset risk of amblyopia in young children in Shaanxi Xi'an. Attention should be paid to educate eye care knowledge, organize regular visual screening, ensure early detection, early diagnosis, early treatment.