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AIM:To verify the safety application of MIL60 in the treatment of corneal neovascularization both
in vivo and
in vitro.
METHODS: We observed the biological characteristics of human corneal epithelial cells. The cell proliferation was analyzed using CCK-8 assay, which also used to test the toxicity of MIL60 and the solvent on cultured human corneal epithelial(HCE). FACs was used to analyze the apoptosis of HCE after treated with MIL60. Also we evaluated the effect of subconjunctival injection of MIL60 on corneal epithelial healing model in normal rat and rats with epithelium defect through slit lamp-microscopy, Draize scores and histopathology way.
RESULTS: The proliferation speed of HCE in three groups was the same. MIL60 did no harm on the proliferation of HCE and the apoptosis of HCE, and has no effect on corneal epithelial healing and other parts of the ocular in rats without inflammation cells infiltration.
CONCLUSION: When given subconjunctival injection, Mil60 does no harm to the proliferation and apoptosis of HCE, and is safe with ocular application.