目前,球内注射抗血管内皮生长因子(vascular endothelial growth factor,VEGF)药物对于治疗与病理性血管形成相关眼病的疗效确切。然而,球内注射抗VEGF药物后,药物在眼内的分布将使其对眼内各部分组织结构产生一定的影响。基于抗VEGF药物作用机制的特异性,以往的研究主要倾向于其对富含血管组织结构的影响,却忽略了其对缺乏血管组织结构的影响。本文将主要对晶状体发育早期及白内障术中或术后恰当时机球内注射抗VEGF药物后药物对晶状体的影响加以综述。
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Anti-vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF)drugs can effectively treat the diseases which related with the formation of pathological angiogenesis. However, after the intravitreal injection of anti-VEGF drugs, the distribution of this drugs in our eyes will have certain impact on different organizations, due to its specifical mechanism of action. Previously, the studies mainly concentrated on the structures which are rich in vascular tissues. Nevertheless, the structures which are lack of vascular tissues is often overlooked. This article viewed the influence of lens after intravitreal injection of anti-VEGF drugs on early development of the lens, and when it was injected during or after the cataract operation.