目的:对河北省眼科医院门诊1 500例2 840眼屈光不正患者进行临床分析,为屈光不正患者的诊断、治疗和预防提供理论依据。
方法:选取河北省眼科医院2013-06/2014-07门诊屈光不正患者1 500例2 840眼,所有患者使用Topcon RM-8800电脑验光仪进行客观验光,使用Topcon综合验光仪主观验光,两者结合确定屈光度。并观察近视散光的屈光度与轴分布、远视散光的屈光度与轴分布、散光患者年龄与散光轴的分布。随机选取150例患者测量角膜曲率、前房深度、眼轴长度等静态屈光指标以及调节幅度、负相对调节、正相对调节、调节灵敏度等动态屈光指标,并与正常人群对比。
结果:所有患者屈光不正类型主要为单纯性近视、单纯近视散光、复性近视散光、单纯性远视、单纯远视散光、复性远视散光和混合散光,比例分别为38.99%、3.27%、23.94%、4.68%、1.34%、13.52%、15.25%; 近视散光共773眼,近视散光屈光度-0.25~-0.50、-0.75~-1.00、-1.25~-1.50、-1.75DS以上人数比例分别为31.05%、38.55%、16.56%、13.84%; 远视散光共421眼,远视散光屈光度0.25~0.50、0.75~1.00、1.25~1.50、>1.75DS人数比例分别为26.60%、24.94%、16.63%、31.83%。150例300眼患者静态屈光指标中,角膜曲率为41.23±2.43φ/D、前房深度为3.71±0.43mm、眼轴长度23.45±1.43mm; 动态屈光指标中,调节幅度10.56±2.32D、负相对调节2.31±0.47D、正相对调节-1.82±0.67D、调节灵敏度11.34±2.21D,各项动、静态屈光指标与正常人群比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。散光者1 194眼中,3~7、8~18、19~45、46~60岁合规则散光眼数所占比例分别为35.85%、11.98%、45.64%、6.53%; 150例300眼患者中,等效球镜≤-0.5D者152眼,等效球镜≥0.5D者48眼,-0.5~0.5D者100眼; 150例300眼正常人群等效球镜≤-0.5D者150眼,等效球镜≥0.5D者50眼,-0.5~0.5D者100眼。
结论:屈光不正患者1 500例2 840眼中,以单纯性近视、复性近视散光人数最多,近视散光者-0.25~-0.50、-0.75~-1.00DS屈光度区间人数最多,远视>1.75DS最多。散光者中,年龄越大不规则散光人数越多; 且屈光不正眼各项动、静态屈光指标与正常人群差异显著。
AIM: To perform a clinical analysis of 1 500 cases of outpatients with ametropia in Hebeisheng Eye Hospital, to provide a theoretical basis for diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of patients with ametropia.
METHODS: Totally 1 500 cases(2 840 eyes)of outpatient with ametropia were chosen as the research objects in Hebeisheng Eye Hospital from June 2013 to July 2014. All cases were treated with TOPCON RM-8800 computer optometry instrument for objective optometry, and used TOPCON phoropter for subjective optometry. The combination of the two instruments was taken to determine the diopter later. Diopter and axial distribution of the myopic astigmatism and hyperopic astigmatism were observed, age of astigmatic patient, distribution of astigmatism axis were observed as well. Meanwhile, a total of 150 cases were chosen randomly to measure their corneal curvature, anterior chamber depth, axial length and other static refractive index. All indexes were compared with those of the normal people subsequently, such as amplitude of accommodation, negative relative accommodation, positive relative accommodation, sensitivity of accommodation and other dynamic refractive index.
RESULTS: Ametropia types of all patients were mainly simple myopia, simple myopia astigmatism, compound myopic astigmatism, simple hypermetropia, simple hyperopia astigmatism, compound hyperopic astigmatism and mixed astigmatism, the proportion were 38.99%, 3.27%, 23.94%, 4.68%, 1.34%, 13.52%, 15.25% respectively. There were 773 eyes with myopia astigmatism. The proportion of people with a myopia astigmatism diopter of above -0.25 to -0.50, -0.75 to -1.00, -1.25 to -1.50, above -1.75 were 31.05%, 38.55%, 16.56%, 13.84%. There were 421 eyes with hyperopia astigmatism, the proportion of people with hyperopia astigmatism diopter of 0.25-0.50, 0.75-1.00, 1.25- 1.50, >1.75 were 26.60%, 24.94%, 16.63%, 31.83%. Static refractive index of 150 patients(300 eyes)showed that corneal curvature was(41.23±2.43)φ/D, anterior chamber depth was 3.71±0.43mm, axial length 23.45±1.43mm. Dynamic refractive index showed that the amplitude of accommodation 10.56±2.32D, negative relative accommodation 2.31±0.47D, positive relative accommodation -1.82±0.67D, sensitivity of accommodation 11.34±2.21D. All kinds of static and dynamic refractive indexes, the length of ocular axis were statistically different from those of the normal population(P<0.05). Regular astigmatism number rate in 1 194 cases of astigmatism eyes of 3-7 years old, 8-18 years old, 19-45 years old, 46-60 years old were 35.85%, 11.98%, 45.64%, 6.53%. Among 150 cases of patients(300 eyes), there were 152 eyes of equivalent sphere mirror ≤-0.5D, 48 eyes of equivalent sphere mirror ≥0.5D, 100 eyes of equivalent sphere mirror between -0.5D to 0.5D. And there were 150 eyes of equivalent sphere mirror ≤-0.5D, 50 eyes of equivalent sphere mirror ≥0.5D, 100 eyes of equivalent sphere mirror between -0.5D to 0.5D in a total of 300 eyes of 150 normal people.
CONCLUSION: The 1 500 cases of patients with ametropia(2 840 eyes)contains mainly simple myopia and compound myopic astigmatism, diopter range in myopia astigmatism were chiefly -0.25 to -0.50, -0.75 to -1.00, hyperopia diopter range consists of >1.75 mostly, among the patients with astigmatism, the older the age, the bigger the number of people with irregular astigmatism, static and dynamic refractive index of patients with ametropic eye shows apparent difference with that of the normal population.