方法:入选复发的HSK患者58例,随机分为治疗组和对照组。对照组给予重组人干扰素α-2b滴眼液和更昔洛韦眼用凝胶,对于具有虹膜睫状体炎症及角膜内皮炎症的患者给予复方托吡卡胺滴眼液散瞳治疗,酌情给予氟米龙滴眼液滴眼; 治疗组在对照组的基础上加用黑睛退翳汤治疗4wk,观察两组临床疗效及治愈的患者治愈后6mo内疾病复发率情况。
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AIM: To observe the clinical efficacy of Yiqi Yangxue Qufeng therapy(Heijing Tuiyi Decoction)in current patients with herpes simplex keratitis.
METHODS: Totally 58 cases with recurrent herpes simplex keratitis patients were selected, then randomly divided into treatment group and control group. Patients in the control group were be treated with recombinant human interferon α-2b eye drop and ganciclovir ophthalmic gel, patients with iridocyclitis and corneal endothelitis were treated with compound tropicamide eye drops for mydriasis. Fluorometholone eye drops was used to treat eye diseases according to the circumstances, while patients in the treatment group were treated by Heijing Tuiyi Decoction on the basis of the control group. All patients were be treated for 4wk, observed the clinical therapeutic effect and recurrence rate of the disease within 6mo.
RESULTS: There was significant difference in the clinical curative effect and the recurrence rate between the 2 groups(P<0.05). Compared with before treatment, the CD4+ ratio and CD4+/CD8+ ratio significantly increased after treatment, and significantly higher than that of the control group(P<0.01); CD8+ of treatment group significantly decreased and was significantly lower than the control group(P<0.01).
CONCLUSION: Yiqi Yangxue Qufeng method of traditional Chinese medicine Heijing Tuiyi Decoction combined with conventional antiviral medicine treatment, is better for patients with herpes simplex keratitis, prevent its recurrence, improve clinical efficacy, thereby improves the life quality of patients.