结论:手机夹子购买方便,简单易得; 800~1 000万像素的智能手机广泛普及,成像质量完全可以满足临床需要,能够丰富临床资料,便于医患之间病情的顺利沟通,同行之间的快捷交流及学习。同时对于疑难问题,可快速远程会诊,及时快捷地对疾病做出诊断和治疗。
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AIM: To describe the application of smart phone and supporting set for acquiring fundus images with slitlamp examination and non-contact lens in primary hospital of the rural area.
METHODS: The supporting set for smart phone was purchased from taobao and securely connected to the ocular lens of slitlamp microscopy. The fundus photos were imaged with assistance of non-contact slitlamp lens from Volk.
RESULTS: High quality images of various retinal diseases could be successfully taken with smart phone and supporting set by slitlamp examination. The fundus images were send to patients with Wechat as medical records or used for telconsultant.
CONCLUSION: High resolution smart phones are wildly used nowadays and supporting sets are very accessible; thus high quality of images could be obtained with minimal cost in rural hospitals. The digital fundus images will be beneficial for medical record and rapid diagnosis with telconsultant.
国家自然科学基金项目(No.81460163,81400427,81300786); 陕西省青年科技新星项目(No.2016KJXX-12); 西安交通大学基本科研业务费专项科研项目(No.xjj2015015); 教育部博士学科点基金(No.20133601120012); 江西省科技厅项目(No.20142BAB215029,20132BAB205024,20142BDH80005); 江西省教育厅科学技术研究项目(No.GJJ14094,GJJ13175)