方法:前瞻性随机对照研究于2017-02/2017-04期间在印度尼西亚日惹市Dr. YAP眼科医院进行。共有年龄相关性白内障患者52例52眼纳入了研究,分为两组,一组26例26眼术中使用乳酸林格液作为灌注液,另一组26例26眼使用平衡盐溶液作为灌注液。术后1、7和28d,评估角膜内皮细胞的密度和形态,同时比较两组患者眼内炎症反应情况。
结果:纳入的全部52例52眼接受了超声乳化白内障摘除术联合人工晶状体植入。术后28d,平衡盐溶液组角膜内皮细胞减少了173.96/mm2,较乳酸林格液组低(253.20/mm2); 角膜内皮细胞变异系数增加了2.92%,也较乳酸林格液组低(3.42%); 六角形细胞百分比减少程度(4.30%)较乳酸林格液组(4.84%)低。平衡盐溶液组角膜中央厚度增加程度与林格液组相当(4.69μm vs 4.53μm)。两组角膜内皮细胞相关指标的差异均无显著性。两组之间炎症反应情况也相似。
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AIM: To compare the difference in corneal endothelial cell density and morphology after phacoemulsification using Ringer lactate(RL)and balanced salt solution(BSS)irrigating solutions.
METHODS: The prospective randomized controlled trial study was conducted between February 2017 and April 2017 in Dr. YAP Eye Hospital, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. There were a total of 52 subjects(52 eyes)who were senile cataract patients further grouped into two, 26 patients undergoing the phacoemulsification procedure using RL irrigating solution and the other 26 patients with BSS irrigating solution, both conducted by one operator. On the 1, 7, and 28d post operative, an evaluation was done to measure the density and corneal endothelial cell morphology, as well as the variable of inflammation in the two groups.
RESULTS: Fifty-two eyes had undergone phacoemulsification with posterior intraocular lens implantation. Both groups were evaluated for the endothelial cell reduction and corneal endothelial cell morphology change, along with post-operative inflammation. On the 28d post-operative, endothelial cell reduction in the BSS group(173.96 cell/mm2, 8.12%)was lower than the RL group(253.20 cell/mm2, 10.25%), percentage of corneal endothelial cell variation coefficient increase in the BSS group(2.92%, 8.36%)was lower compared to the RL group(3.42%, 9.96%), decrease of hexagonal cells of corneal endothelium cells presentation percentage in the BSS group(4.30%, 8.17%)was lower compared to the RL group(4.84%, 8.97%), and the percentage increase of central corneal thickness in the BSS group(4.69 μm, 0.89%)was almost equal to the RL group(4.53 μm, 0.90%). All of the results regarding difference in density and corneal cell endothelium morphology between the two groups did not reveal any statistically significant difference(P>0.05). Inflammatory variable in the two groups were even.
CONCLUSION: BSS and RL were equal in their capability of maintaining endothelial cell loss and endothelial cell morphologic change in senile cataract patients after phacoemulsification.