特发性黄斑裂孔(idiopathic macular hole,IMH)是指原因不明、发生于黄斑区域视网膜神经上皮层的全层组织缺损。早期直径较小的IMH可以进行观察随访,玻璃体切割术联合视网膜内界膜(internal limiting membrane,ILM)剥除术是目前主要的治疗方法,ILM手术方式的不断改进和创新,使IMH的治疗方法多样化、成熟化。目前药物玻璃体溶解术(pharmacological vitreolysis)、气体玻璃体溶解术(pneumatic vitreplysis)的应用对IMH的预防及治疗有着广阔的前景。本文就IMH的治疗方法作一综述。
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Idiopathic macular hole(IMH)refers to full thickness defect of retinal neurepithelium layer in macular area with unclear reasons. Early IMH can be observed. Vitrectomy combined with internal limiting membrane(ILM)peeling is a conventional method for treating IMH. The continuous improvement and innovation of ILM surgery contribute greatly to the diversity and maturation of IMH treatment. At present, the pharmacological vitreolysis and pneumatic vitreplysis have gradual progress in the prevention and treatment of IMH. In this article we review the current management of IMH.