眼压(intraocular pressure,IOP)是眼内容物对眼球壁施加的均衡压力。正常人的眼压稳定在一定范围内,以维持眼球的正常形态,但持续性高眼压状态可导致严重的视功能损害。近年来有关研究人员已经证实日常生活方式会对眼压造成波动,本文将对近年来国内外学者关于眼压与日常生活方式的关系作一综述,并对高眼压患者提出指导意义。
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Intraocular pressure(IOP)is a pressure applied to the wall of the eye by equilibrium, which is ranging in a normal shape. Our visual function will be damaged if it brokes the normal high value. In recent years, several researchers had found the potential relationship between the IOP and our daily lifestyle. This review will show the specific relationship between them and it also will provide some important guidelines to the patients with high IOP in some degree.