目前,飞秒激光小切口角膜基质透镜取出术(small incision lenticule extraction,SMILE)和飞秒激光辅助的准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术(femtosecond assisted laser in situ keratomileusis,FS-LASIK)是治疗近视和近视散光的主流手术方式。FS-LASIK具有良好的安全性、有效性、稳定性和可预测性,受到近视患者和角膜屈光手术医师的广泛青睐。随着飞秒激光的发展,新型微创角膜屈光手术——SMILE术以其无瓣、微创、小切口、全飞秒等特点,使角膜屈光手术跨入全飞秒时代,成为最主要的屈光手术方式之一。而SMILE与FS-LASIK术在矫正近视和近视散光术后的视力、屈光状态、角膜高阶像差、对比敏感度、干眼、角膜生物力学特性、并发症等方面仍存在一些争议,本文就以上内容对SMILE与FS-LASIK术矫正近视和近视散光术后的优势与不足作一综述。
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In modern society, the most popular surgery for correction of myopia and myopic astigmatism are small incision lenticule extraction(SMILE)and femtosecond assisted laser in situ keratomileusis(FS-LASIK). FS-LASIK is widely accepted by myopic patients and corneal refractive surgeons for its excellent safety, efficacy, stability and predictability. With the use of femtosecond laser, SMILE makes the corneal refractive surgery enter a full femtosecond era and become one of the most popular refractive surgery in the world, which is a novel minimally invasive corneal refractive surgery and characterized by flap-free, minimally invasive, small incision, femtosecond. But there is still some controversy about visual acuity, stability of diopter, corneal high order aberration, contrast sensitivity, dry eye, corneal biomechanical property and complication after SMILE and FS-LASIK in correction of myopia. This article reviews the advantages and disadvantages after SMILE and FS-LASIK in correction of myopia and myopic astigmatism among all above mentioned aspects.