目的:了解上海市社区糖尿病患者的糖尿病视网膜病变(diabetic retinopathy,DR)的患病率及其对DR的认知度。
[Key word]
AIM: To investigate the prevalence and awareness of diabetic retinopathy(DR)among patients with diabetes mellitus in the Huamu Community of Shanghai.
METHODS: A total of 545 diabetic patients in the community's chronic disease file were enrolled in the Ophthalmologic Examination and DR Prevention Questionnaire. To know the prevalence rate of DR and to use chi-square test to check analysis the difference of prevalence rate. The descriptive statistical analysis of DR prevention and treatment knowledge was carried out in diabetes.
RESULTS: The prevalence of DR was 23.5%. And the prevalence of non-proliferative retinopathy and proliferative retinopathy was 20.9% and 2.6%. The patients with diabetes in the Huamu Community lacked sufficient awareness of DR prevention and treatment methods.
CONCLUSION: Using the chronic disease file for eye tests in diabetes can help prevent DR from beginning in the community. Awareness of DR in diabetic patients also needs to be improved.
上海市眼病防治人才培养计划区级人才培养计划项目(No.15GWZK0601-QJGG16); 上海市浦东新区学科带头人培养项目(No.PWRD2015-07)