高海拔视网膜病变(high altitude retinopathy, HAR)是指机体处于高海拔环境时,由低压缺氧引起的视神经、视网膜的病变,是引起长期居住在平原地区人群进入高海拔地区后视力下降的主要原因之一。随着高原地区经济和旅游业的发展,前往高海拔地区的人越来越多,HAR发病率呈上升趋势。目前认为,HAR发病涉及血-视网膜屏障完整性破坏、视网膜神经细胞损伤、炎性介质和细胞因子的异常释放、视网膜血管调节功能障碍以及血流动力学改变等多种机制以及其协同作用。本文就HAR发病机制的相关研究进行综述,便于HAR的进一步研究和诊治。
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High altitude retinopathy(HAR)is the pathological changes of retina and optic caused by hypobaric hypoxia when the body is in high altitude environment, and HAR is the major cause of visual loss for the plainsmen who went to high attitude area. With the development of economy and tourism of plateau regions, the prevalence of HAR has recently been increasing for more and more people going to high altitude areas. Currently, it is reported that the pathogenesis of HAR involves a host of mechanisms, including the integrity damage of blood-retinal barrier(BRB), retinal neuron injury, inflammatory mediators and cytokines produced excessively, retinal blood vessels regulate dysfunction, and hemodynamics abnormality, and the synergistic action between them. In this review, we report the findings from current studies on the pathogenesis of HAR, contributing to further studies and diagnosis and treatment.
甘肃省中医药管理局科研课题(No.GZK-2016-9); 兰州大学第二医院院内博士科研基金项目(No.ynbskyjj2015-2-16)