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AIM: To study the therapeutic method of XL-radiofrequency ablation skin apparatus(invented by Rehabilitation medicine, PLA General Hospital)in micro-resecting the lacrimal punctum neoplasm and to observe its clinical effects.
METHODS: XL-radiofrequency ablation skin apparatus was performed on 7 cases(7 eye lesions)of lacrimal punctum neoplasm including 3 intradermal nevus, 1 boundary nevus, 1 mixed nevus with inflammatory granuloma, 1 inflammatory granuloma, and 1 squamous papillary cell tumor by separating layer, point and flake removing methods. The clinical effect was investigated 2-6mo postoperatively and leftover was removed by twice. The postoperative follow-up durations ranged from 6 to 60mo.
RESULTS: Totally 6 cases(6 eye lesions)were cured successfully by once but 1 case by twice. They were all without recurrence, cicatrix, palpebral margin deformity, obstruction of lacrimal punctum, stenosis of lacrimal punctum or epiphora. Micro-resecting the lacrimal punctum neoplasm using the XL-radiofrequency ablation skin apparatus had several advantages, such as high accuracy, no cicatrix, no bleeding, no epiphora, no damage to the structure of lacrimal canaliculus, short operation time, little pain during the procedure, without hospitalization, slight inflammation reaction after procedure.
CONCLUSION: The efficacy of XL-radiofrequency ablation skin apparatus is significantly more evident and highly accurate in micro-resecting lacrimal punctum neoplasm.