阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer's disease,AD)是神经退行性疾病,是痴呆最常见的类型。患者的个人生活质量受到了严重的影响,给其家庭和整个社会带来了较大的经济和社会负担。认知障碍的患者会出现一些与认知能力下降相关的眼科改变。但目前视功能与AD之间的关系仍未得到充分研究。当认知能力下降时,患者会用其视觉等感官感知周围的世界,然而大脑却无法将感知的信息整合到一起来理解周围的环境。由于视功能损伤为AD患者感官功能损伤中较为明显的一种,对其损伤的认识能够帮助我们对AD患者进行早期诊断。为了进一步探究其视功能变化,现通过各种文献复习,对AD患者视功能损伤及其机制进行综述。
[Key word]
Alzheimer's disease(AD)is a neurodegenerative disease and is the most common type of dementia. It impairs the quality of life of a person and their family, posing a serious economic and social threat in developed countries. A high degree of clinical suspicion is needed to correlate problems in cognition with the changes in the eye. But relations between sensory functions and Alzheimer's disease are still under explored. When function of cognitive decline, patients perceive the world around them with their visual sense, while the brain can't integrate the sensory information to understand the surrounding environment. Visual dysfunction has long been recognized as a manifestation of Alzheimer's disease(AD). To further explore the changes in its visual function, it is now reviewed in various literatures to explain the visual impairment of patients with Alzheimer's disease.