[Key word]
Glaucoma filtration surgery is currently the preferred method for patients in whom anti-glaucoma medication and laser treatment can not control intraocular pressure, and its postoperative filtering bleb scar formation is the leading cause of surgical failure. At present, there are some progresses in the basic and clinical studies of postoperative anti-glaucoma scar. However, it is still a problem to seek for an effective, safe and stable treatment of scarring after glaucoma filtration surgery. Those articles published in the past three years on the glaucoma filtration after anti-scarring related drugs are reviewed.
贵州省自然科学基金资助项目\〖No.黔省专合字(2012)131号\〗; 遵义市创新人才团队基金资助项目\〖No.遵市科合(2015)43号\〗