方法:采用横断面随机整群抽样的方法于2015-01/12对山东省龙口市7~18岁在校学生以学校为抽样单位进行近视情况的调查,共抽取学校58所,有效抽样61 036人。按地域分为城市、城乡结合部及农村3类地区。由相关工作人员在全程质量控制下采用标准对数视力表检查受检者双眼裸眼视力,采用自动验光仪(TOPCON-RM8900)在非散瞳情况下行电脑验光检查。采用Microsoft Excel工作表建立数据库,SPSS 21.0软件进行统计学分析。
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AIM: To investigate the prevalence of myopia among primary and middle school students aged 7 to 18 in Longkou City, Shandong Province, and to provide a scientific basis for prevention and control of myopia.
METHODS: The students aged 7 to 18 were enrolled through the method of stratified random and cluster sampling by the unit of schools and were investigated in Longkou, Shandong Province in 2015. A total of 58 schools were selected and 61 036 students were effectively sampled. All the subjects were divided into three-tiers based on geographical location: urban, rural-urban continuum, and rural areas. All the subjects were examined with the visual acuity and non-cycloplegic objective fraction. Microsoft Excel worksheet was used to establish a database, and SPSS 21.0 software was used for statistical analysis.
RESULTS: The prevalence of total myopia in the sample population of students of Longkou in 2015 was 49.81% from 7 to 18 years old. The overall prevalence of myopia increased fastest from 11 to 12 years old. And the prevalence of mild myopia of students aged 13 was highest. The prevalence of total myopia were 46.41% for boys and 53.39% for girls, which showed the prevalence of girls was higher than the boys'. The prevalence of myopia in urban, rural-urban continuum, and rural areas were 55.18%, 49.75%, 44.47%, respectively, and the prevalence of myopia in urban areas was the higher than the rural-urban continuum and the rural areas. The prevalence of total myopia gradually increased with age(rs=0.943, P<0.05).
CONCLUSION: The results of the investigation showed a high prevalence of myopia among primary and middle school students in the city of Longkou, and gradually increased with age. The overall myopia prevalence for girls was higher than boys, and the prevalence was highest in urban areas.