方法:回顾分析我院眼科收治的7例14 眼Helveston 综合征患者,根据患者上斜肌亢进的程度和斜视程度,实施一次性手术治疗Helveston综合征。
结果:患者7例14眼均行双眼上斜肌鞘内断腱术。其中3例6眼联合双眼外直肌后徙并一眼内直肌缩短术; 4例4眼联合单眼外直肌后徙并内直肌缩短术。术后随访观察6mo,7例14眼术后眼位均正位,外斜A征消失,分离性垂直偏斜消失。儿童患者3例恢复双眼视功能和立体视觉。
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AIM: To investigate single step combined surgical treatments of Helveston syndrome.
METHODS: A retrospective clinical analysis of 7 cases(14 eyes)with Helveston syndrome in our hospital. There were 14 eyes underwent single step combined surgical treatments, according to the degree of patients with superior oblique overaction and strabismus. A-pattern, dissociated vertical deviation(DVD), function of superior oblique and binocular visual function were examined and analyzed preoperatively and postoperatively.
RESULTS: Bilateral superior oblique intrathecal tenectomy combined bilateral rectus recession were performed in 3 cases(6 eyes). Bilateral superior oblique tenectomy combined unilateral rectus recession were performed in 4 cases(4 eyes). The follow-up was 6mo; 14 eyes of 7 patients attained normal ocular alignment. A-pattern and DVD disappeared. Binocular vision and stereoscopic vision were recovered in 6 eyes of 3 children.
CONCLUSION: Helveston syndrome can be treated with single step combined surgery, and early surgical treatments can help the recovery of binocular visual function.