结果:术后1mo时,9眼眼压控制不佳,4眼再次行睫状体光凝术后3眼眼压降至正常。末次随访时,视力较术前差异无统计学意义(P=0.655); 14眼(70%)患者眼压得到有效控制,眼压(24.6±11.4mmHg)较术前(42.3±5.9mmHg)改善,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。术后未出现眼球萎缩、脉络膜上腔出血等严重并发症。
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AIM: To evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of transscleral cyclophotocoagulation(TSCP)for glaucoma secondary to vitrectomy.
METHODS: A retrospective review was performed within 20 patients(20 eyes)with glaucoma secondary to vitrectomy underwent TSCP in our hospital from October 2014 to October 2016. The follow-up time was 3mo. The postoperative visual acuity, intraocular pressure(IOP)and complications were observed.
RESULTS: One month after operation, the postoperative IOP increased in 9 cases. Another 4 eyes were performed TSCP again, and three of them got the normal IOP recovery. At the last follow-up, visual acuity had no significant changes(P=0.655); IOP was effectively controlled in 14(70%)patients. Meanwhile, the mean postoperative IOP(24.6±11.4mmHg)was statistically reduced than the mean preoperative IOP(42.3±5.9mmHg, P<0.05). No serious complications, like hypotony and suprachoroidal hemorrhage, had been observed during 3-month follow-up.
CONCLUSION: TSCP procedure is a safe, effective, repeatable surgery for patients with glaucoma secondary to vitrectomy.