结果:过敏性鼻结膜炎在翼状胬肉患者中更多(19.3% vs 3.2%, P=0.002),但是在其他过敏性疾病或过敏症状上的差异没有统计学意义。皮肤针刺试验中,翼状胬肉患者对至少一种致敏原阳性的比率显著高于健康人(38.7% vs 6.5%, P=0.003)。蟑螂和尘螨是所调查翼状胬肉患者中最常见的致敏原(16.1%、12.9%)。
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AIM: To evaluate the prevalence of allergic disorders and skin prick test sensitivity to different allergens among patients with pterygium.
METHODS: Sixty two patients with pterygium and equal number of age/ sex matched healthy controls were enrolled in this study. All patients and controls examined by an ophthalmologist and allergist. Skin prick test performed with a battery of common allergens and serum total IgE level determined by ELISA method.
RESULTS: Prevalence of allergic rhinoconjunctivitis was significantly higher in patient group(19.3% vs 3.2%, P=0.002)but there was no significant differences in other allergies and symptoms between two groups. The rate of skin reactivity to at least one allergen was significantly higher in pterygium group than healthy controls(38.7% vs 6.5%, P=0.003). Cockroach and house dust mites were the most prevalent allergens among patients(16.1% and 12.9%).
CONCLUSION: The results of current study showed higher prevalence of rhinoconjunctivits and skin prick sensitivity to allergen among pterygium patients. This may has implication in prevention and treatment of pterygium.