年龄相关性黄斑变性(age-related macular degeneration,ARMD)是一种由遗传、年龄、环境、饮食、吸烟等多种危险因素相互作用导致的复杂疾病。干性ARMD首先损害Bruch膜,随后影响视网膜色素上皮(retinal pigmented epithelium,RPE)和光感受器等,血管内皮生长因子(vascular endothelial growth factor,VEGF)可介导病理性血管形成和血管渗透性增高,形成脉络膜新生血管。其中任何单一危险因素均不足以导致人类发病,仅模仿单一因素的动物模型无法复制出ARMD的所有表型,但是可以复制出ARMD的不同特征。这些动物模型为疾病机制研究和寻找药物作用靶点提供了切入点。具体造模方法有激光造模、基因造模、饲喂造模、氧化造模和利用其他模型等。本文总结了国内外此方面的经典文献并加以综述,旨在协助研究者选取符合研究目的的造模方法,并提供新的造模思路。
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Age-related macular degeneration(ARMD)is the leading cause of blindness in the individuals older than 65 years in developed countries. It is a complex disease influenced by interaction of heredity, age, environment, diet, smoking and many other risk factors. Dry ARMD first damages Bruch's membrane, then affect the retinal pigment epithelium(retinal pigmented epithelium, RPE)and photoreceptors. Pathological angiogenesis and vascular permeability increasing are mediated by vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF), resulting the formation of choroidal neovascularization. ARMD in human will not be caused by none of the single risk factors. Animal models that mimic a single factor cannot reproduce all the phenotypes of ARMD but can reproduce different characteristics. These animal models provide an entry point for studying the disease mechanism and finding the target of drug action. Specific modeling methods include laser modeling, gene modeling, feeding, oxidation and other models. This article summarizes and reviews the domestic and foreign classic literatures in this field to help researchers to select the suitable methods and provide new ideas for modeling.