结果:患眼治疗前BCVA中位数为57(百分位数P25、P75分别为52.5、64.5)个字母,CMT中位数为524(百分位数P25、P75分别为365.5、571)μm。治疗后2、4、8、12wk,患眼BCVA中位数分别为76(百分位数P25、P75分别为71、80)、81(百分位数P25、P75分别为78.5、83)、82(百分位数P25、P75分别为68.5、84)、82(百分位数P25、P75分别为78.5、83)个字母。Friedman M检验结果显示四组不同随访时间的BCVA字母数有差别(χ2=47.58,P<0.01),即玻璃体腔注射药物治疗后BCVA字母数高于治疗前。治疗后2、4、8、12wk,患眼CMT中位数分别为307(百分位数P25、P75分别为249.5、374.5)、231(百分位数P25、P75分别为212.5、267)、219(百分位数P25、P75分别为210.5、365.5)、217(百分位数P25、P75分别为201.5、366.5)μm。Friedman M检验结果显示四组不同随访时间的CMT有差别(χ2=40.33,P<0.01),即玻璃体腔注射药物治疗后CMT低于治疗前。术后12wk可见17眼中有6眼(35%)BVCA字母数降低,CMT增加,眼内炎症加重,增加激素剂量眼内炎症可控制。术中及术后未出现相关并发症。
[Key word]
AIM:To evaluate the effects and safety of intravitreal injection of Ranibizumab on noninfectious uveitic macular edema(UME).
METHODS: This was an open and prospective study without control trial. Seventeen eyes from 17 patients with UME diagnosed by fundus fluorescein angiography(FFA)and optical coherence tomography(OCT)were enrolled in this study. Before the injection, best-corrected visual acuity(BCVA)of early treatment of diabetic retinopathy study(ETDRS)and central macular thickness(CMT)measured by OCT were examined. All affected eyes were treated with intravitreal ranibizumab 0.05mL(0.5mg). The BCVA, CMT and intraocular pressure(IOP)were compared with baseline at 2, 4, 8 and 12wk after treatment. Related complications were recorded.
RESULTS: The median BCVA before treatment was 57(P25 and P75 were 52.5 and 64.5, respectively). The median CMT was 524μm(P25 and P75 were 365.5 and 571, respectively). At 2, 4, 8, and 12wk after injection, the median BCVA of the affected eyes was 76(P25 and P75 were 71 and 80, respectively), 81(P25 and P75 were 78.5 and 83, respectively), 82(P25 and P75 were 68.5 and 84, respectively), and 82(P25 and P75 are 78.5 and 83, respectively). The Friedman M test showed that there were differences in the BCVA in the four groups at different follow-up times, that was, BCVA after injection was higher than before injection(χ2=47.58, P<0.01). At 2, 4, 8, and 12wk after injection, the median CMT was 307μm(P25 and P75 were 249.5 and 374.5, respectively),231μm(P25 and P75 were 212.5 and 267), 219μm(P25 and P75 were 210.5 and 365.5,respectively), and 217μm(P25 and P75 were 201.5 and 366.5,respectively). The Friedman M test showed that there was difference in the CMT in the four groups at different follow-up times(χ2=40.33, P<0.01), that was, CMT after injection was lower than before injection. At the 12wk after injection, increased CMT and decreased BCVA were found in 35% of study eyes(6/17)that had uncontrolled intraocular inflammation, and all these patients needed to increase prednisone again. No adverse events were found during the follow-up duration.
CONCLUSION: Intravitreal ranibizumab is a safe and effective approach for noninfectious uveitic macular edema in the short term, which can significantly improve visual acuity and reduce CMT in patients refractory to or intolerant of standard corticosteroid/ immunomodulatory therapy.