目的:观察2011/2015年苏州地区早产儿视网膜病变(retinopathy of prematurity,ROP)发病情况。
方法:对2011-01/2015-12苏州市立医院本部(苏州市母子中心)NICU收治及ROP专科门诊就诊,并符合筛查标准的2 527例早产、低体质量、有吸氧史的患儿进行ROP筛查。首次检查在出生后4~6wk。接受筛查的2 527例患儿,出生体质量640~4 200(平均1694.99±370.875)g。出生孕周24.5~41.1(平均32.397±2.2171)wk。采用RetCamⅡ进行眼底检查。按照国际ROP分类法和ROP早期治疗研究标准记录检查结果。双眼病变不对称时,记录病变严重眼; 所有接受治疗的病例(阈值前Ⅰ型病变和阈值病变)统一定义为重症ROP。回顾分析近5a间ROP发病率变化及季节分布情况。
结果:早产儿2 527例中,共发生408例ROP,发病率为16.15%; 其中重症ROP 30例,占筛查人数的1.19%。2011/2015年的ROP年发病率分别为10.14%、14.91%、14.26%、19.64%、20.15%,呈逐渐增长趋势(χ2=24.625,P<0.01),重症ROP为1.18%、0.94%、0.63%、0.90%、2.22%,差异无明显统计学意义(P>0.05)。春夏秋冬四季的ROP发病率分别为17.62%、15.20%、16.12%、15.82%,差异无统计学意义(χ2=1.397,P=0.706)。
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AIM:To analyze incidence and trends of retinopathy of prematurity(ROP)from 2011 to 2015 in Suzhou.
METHODS: A total of 2 527 infants were screened for ROP in Suzhou from January 2011 to December 2015 using RetCamII. First examination was performed from 4-6wk after birth. Of all the 2 527 infants, the birth weight was 640-4 200g with an average of 1694.99±370.875g. The gestational age were 24.5-41.1wk with an average of 32.397±2.2171wk. The ocular findings were recorded according to the International Classification of ROP and The Early Treatment for ROP. Only the more aggressive eye of bilateral asymmetrical cases was counted for statistical purpose. And the cases required surgeries(pre-threshold ROP type Ⅰ and threshold ROP)were defined as severe cases.
RESULTS: Of all the 2 527 infants, 408 infants were screened with ROP, in which 30 were severe ROP, the incidence of ROP and severe ROP was 16.15%and 1.19%. The incidence of ROP from 2011 to 2015 were 10.14%, 14.91%, 14.26%, 19.64%, 20.15% respectively, turned out a gradual upward trend(χ2=24.625, P<0.01). The incidence of severe ROP were 1.18%, 0.94%, 0.63%, 0.90%, 2.22%, no significant differences between the groups(P>0.05). The incidence of ROP in the four seasons were 17.62%, 15.20%, 16.12%, 15.82% respectively and no significant differences between the groups(χ2=1.397, P=0.706).
CONCLUSION: The incidence of ROP in Suzhou increased from 2011 to 2015, which was related to the decline of the gestational age and birth weight. The distribution of ROP was not seasonal.