目的:运用真核生物核糖体RNA基因(rDNA)内部转录间隔区(internal transcribed spacer,ITS)测序技术对不产孢子菌进行菌属鉴定,揭示海南岛眼部致病性不产孢子菌的生物多样性。
结果:经PCR扩增后19株样本菌均得到清晰的目的条带。基因测序比对结果显示,19株不产孢子菌分属12个种属,包括可可毛色二孢子菌6株,月状弯孢霉1株,节菱孢霉菌2株,neodeightonia subglabosa 2株,红贝菌1株,肉座菌1株,多喙茎点霉1株,红色毛藓菌1株,深海曲霉菌1株,roussoella siamensis 1株,撕裂蜡孔菌1株、茄病镰刀菌1株。
[Key word]
AIM: To identify the species and genus of pathogenic nonsporulating molds(NSM)by internal transcribed spacer(ITS)sequences alignment, and reveal the biodiversity of NSM in Hainan Island with tropical climate.
METHODS: Nine teen fungal strains, identified as NSM by conventional method in the laboratory department of Hainan Province Eye Hospital, were involved in this study. All of the strains were isolated from the infectious eye tissues from patients, and cultured with potato-dextrose agar and Sabourand's agar in 37℃ incubator for 7-21d. Any reproductive structure was detected by microscopy for up to 21d. After growth for 3-7d, the genomic DNA of specimens were extracted by grinding method combined with chemical method. Then, ITS sequences in the ribosome were amplified by PCR and analyzed using the National Center for Biological Information(NCBI)GenBank database. Finally, the species and genus were confirmed by sequence alignment.
RESULTS: The corresponding target bars could be observed in all 19 specimens after PCR. The results from genetic alignment classified the 19 specimens into 12 species, including Lasiodiplodia theobromae(6 isolates), Curvalaria lunata(1 isolate), Arthrinium sp.(2 isolates), neodeightonia subglabosa(2 isolates), Earliella scabrosa(1 isolate), Hypocreales sp.(1 isolate), phoma multirostrata(1 isolate), Trichophyton rubrum(1 isolate), Aspergillus westerdijkiae(1 isolate), roussoella siamensis(1 isolate), Ceriporia lacerata(1 isolate), Fusarium solqni(1 isolate).
CONCLUSION: ITS sequence alignment can identify NSM to genus and species level. The NSM in Hainan Island contains varies species, and is associated with multiple infectious diseases of the eye.
国家自然科学基金面上项目(No.81371046); 2016年海南省重点研发项目(No.ZDYF2016111); 2016年海南省自然科学基金(No.20168335); 2017年海南省自然科学基金(No.2017CXTD011,817365)