结果:患者总计43 307例。60岁以上者占49.92%,占比逐年增加,0~19岁患者占比逐年减少。晶状体疾病占31.49%、视网膜脉络膜疾病占20.61%、青光眼占10.29%、斜视占8.70%、眼外伤占8.49%、玻璃体疾病占7.44%、眼睑结膜和泪器疾病占6.51%、眼部肿物占2.69%、视神经和视路疾病占1.06%、巩膜角膜虹膜睫状体疾病占0.89%、其他眼病类占1.82%。手术38 718例,占病例总数的89.40%,其中晶状体相关手术16 590例(42.85%)、玻璃体内注射4 697例(12.13%)、斜视眼肌手术3 491例(9.02%)、抗青光眼手术2 579例(6.66%)。
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AIM: To investigate the changes in constituent ratio and operation of the inpatients with ophthalmology from a key hospital in province.
METHODS: A retrospective analysis was conducted including the data of medical record first sheet of patients from January 1 2015 to December 31 2017 using the hospital medical statistical analysis system. All cases were classified by clinical specialties, and the surgery quantity was counted according to the first operation method. The database was established and analyzed with Excel 2007 and SPSS 17.0.
RESULTS: Total of 43 307 patients were research studied, including 21 063 males(48.64%)and 22 244 females(51.36%)with an average age of(55.0±20.4)years. The proportion of patients over 60 years old accounted for 49.92% of the total number, and this value tended to increase year by year while that decrease among patients aged 0 to 19 years. These included 31.49% of diseases of the lens, 20.61% of retino-choroidal diseases, 10.29% of glaucoma, 8.70% of strabism, 8.49% of ocular trauma, 7.44% of vitreous body disease, 6.51% of eyelid-conjunctiva and lacrimal apparatus disease, 2.69% of eye neoplasm, 1.06% of optic-nerve disease, 0.89% of sclera, corneal, iris or ciliary body disease, 1.82% of other eye disease. There was 89.40% of cases underwent an ophthalmic surgery(38 718 cases), 16 590 were operation on lens(42.85% of cases), 4 697 were intravitreal injection(12.13% of cases), 3 491 were strabismus surgery(9.02% of cases), 2 597 were glaucoma operation(6.66% of cases).
CONCLUSION: Lens disease, retino-choroid disease, glaucoma, strabismus and ocular trauma were constituted the top five diseases. At present, treatment of cataract is still the main work of prevention and treatment of blindness, while retino-choroid disease is increasing rapidly and becoming the focus of prevention and treatment.