结果:患儿393例715眼中,基本治愈者520眼(72.7%),进步者117眼(16.4%),无效者 78眼(10.9%),总有效率为89.1%。年龄、弱视类型、弱视程度、注视性质、治疗依从性等临床特点影响弱视治疗效果。
[Key word]
AIM: To analyze the therapeutic effects of comprehensive amblyopia therapy in 715 eyes of children.
METHODS: Three hundred and nineteen-three cases(715 eyes)of amblyopia were included in this study, who were diagnosed and treated in our hospital from July 2015 to July 2017. The amblyopia treatment file was established, and the therapeutic effect of amblyopia comprehensive therapy was observed. The relationship between age, amblyopia type, amblyopia degree, treatment compliance and fixation were analyzed.
RESULTS: Totally 393 children(715 eyes), 520 eyes(72.7%)were basically cured, 117 eyes(16.4%)were progressive, and 78 eyes(10.9%)were ineffective. The total effective rate was 89.1%. The age, amblyopia type, amblyopia degree, fixation and treatment compliance were related with the therapeutic effect of amblyopia respectly.
CONCLUSION:The overall treatment effect of amblyopia in children is better. It is closely related to the clinical characteristics included age, amblyopia type, amblyopia degree, fixation and treatment compliance. The treatment effect was poor in children with older age, amblyopia type of aberrant amblyopia, strabismus amblyopia, severe amblyopia, paracentric fixation and poor compliance.