透明质酸(hyaluronic acid, HA)是细胞外间质(extracellular matrix,ECM)的主要成分之一。参与组织重建、扩增细胞间隙、炎症反应和肿瘤发生等许多细胞生理、病理过程。粘附分子CD44是HA的细胞表面受体, 是一类分布极为广泛的细胞表面糖蛋白,它参与细胞-细胞之间以及细胞-基质之间的特异性粘连。CD44是细胞表面最重要的透明质酸受体, 是与HA 结合的主要部位。本文就HA与CD44结合及其分子基础; HA/CD44在神经胶质细胞(包括Müller细胞)中的表达及意义以及 HA/CD44在视交叉神经中的表达及意义三个方面进行阐述,总结HA/CD44在神经胶质细胞和视交叉神经中的表达及意义。
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Hyaluronic acid(HA)is one of the main components of the extracellular matrix(ECM), and it is participated in many cells physiology and pathological processes, such as tissue reconstruction, expansion of cell gap, inflammation and tumorigenesis and so on. CD44 is a cell surface receptor for HA and widely distributed cell surface glycoprotein, which paticipate in specific adhesion of cell to cell and cell to matrix. CD44 is the most important hyaluronic acid receptor on the cell surface. Besides, CD44 is the main site of binding to HA. In this paper, we will elaborate from three aspects: the binding of HA and CD44 and its molecular basis, the expression and significance of HA/CD44 in glial cells(including Müller cells)and the expression and significance of HA/CD44 in the optic nerve, which makes readers have an understanding of the role of HA and CD44.