先天性鼻泪道阻塞(congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction,CNLDO)是患儿最常见的眼部疾病之一,其主要特征是鼻泪道下端瓣膜闭塞。CNLDO现有治疗方法包括泪囊按摩、泪道探通术、硅胶管置入术、球囊扩张术、鼻腔泪囊吻合术。近来,联合使用泪道内窥镜,可提高手术成功率。由于疾病本身有自愈倾向,手术时机及治疗方案选择目前存在很多争议,本文就这一问题进行综述, 以便为CNLDO治疗提供参考方案。
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Congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction(CNLDO)is one of the most common ocular disorders in infants, and the main feature is a membranous obstruction of the distal end of the nasolacrimal duct. Methods are considered to treat with CNLDO, including lacrimal sac massage, probing, silicone intubation, balloon dacryocystoplasty, and dacryohynostomy. Recently, the combination use of lacrimal endoscopes may increase the success rate of surgery. Because many CNLDOs can resolve spontaneously, there are still some controversies in the timing of surgery and the choice of treatment options. The aim of the review is to provide a reference for the treatment of CNLDO.