结果:5a内视网膜静脉阻塞的住院患者共351例,住院次数473人次,伴随全身疾病(高血压、糖尿病、肾功能不全)的老年人常见; 住院天数各年度间有差异,2017年较前明显缩短。5a间RVO的发病人数逐年上升,BRVO较CRVO的发病趋势增加明显,2017年两种疾病的发病比率与各年度间均有差异(P<0.005)。RVO主要采用视网膜激光光凝、玻璃体腔内注药或两者相结合的治疗方案。5a内玻璃体腔内注药治疗的注射率有差异(P<0.05),主要表现为2013年的低注射率; “1+PRN”的注射方案多于“3+PRN”。
结论:近5a BRVO较CRVO的增长趋势更明显,激光联合“1+PRN”的玻璃体腔内注药方案是我院RVO患者的主要治疗手段。
[Key word]
AIM: To retrospectively analyze the clinical change of retinal vein occlusion inpatients of the Second People's Hospital of Foshan in the nearby five years.
METHODS: The data of inpatients in the Second People's Hospital of Foshan were collected by the term “retinal vein occlusion”from 2013-01-01 to 2017-12-31. Retrospective analysis of the details for the disease.
RESULTS: Totally 351 patients with retinal vein occlusion were admitted and treated for 473 times in five years. Elder with systemic disease(hypertension, diabetes and renal inadequacy)was more common. The hospital days were significantly statistical difference among five years with the shortest days in 2017. The prevalence of RVO was growing year by year, especially for BRVO, with statistical difference between 2017 and the other four years(P<0.005). Treatments for RVO were mainly including retinal laser, intravitreal injection or both combined. There was significantly statistical difference about the rate of intravitreal injection among five years(P<0.05)with the lowest one in 2013.“1+PRN” therapeutic regimen was more tolerable for patients than “3+PRN”.
CONCLUSION: BRVO is growing more sharply than CRVO in the nearby five years. Retinal laser combined with“1+PRN”intravitreal injection is the main therapeutic regimen for RVO in our hospital.
广东省佛山市医学重点专科培育项目(No.Fspy1-2015005); 广东省佛山市科技创新平台项目(No.2013AG10012)