方法:选取 2016-01/2017-12于我院接受手术治疗的特发性黄斑前膜患者30例30眼进行临床研究,排除手术禁忌,采用25G玻璃体切割系统行标准三切口经睫状体平坦部玻璃体切除术联合剥除黄斑前膜及内界膜,观察术前、术后1wk,1、3mo患者的BCVA、黄斑中心凹脉络膜厚度,分析BCVA与脉络膜厚度的相关性。
结果:术前的BCVA显著低于术后3mo(P=0.011),术后3mo BCVA与术前BCVA显著相关(r=0.610,P<0.01),术前术后不同时间的脉络膜厚度无差异(P=0.999)。手术前后BCVA与手术前后脉络膜厚度无线性相关关系。
[Key word]
AIM: To study the changes of choroidal thickness and the relationship between visual function and choroidal thickness before and after idiopathic epiretinal membrane surgery.
METHODS: From January 2016 to December 2017, 30 patients(30 eyes)with idiopathic macular membrane who underwent surgical treatment in our hospital were selected to clinical study. All patients underwent TSV25G PPV with membrane and ILM peeling, patients were followed up by best corrected visual acuity(BCVA)and subfoveal choroidal thickness(SFCT)in preoperative and postoperative 1wk, 1mo and 3mo. We performed statistical analyses using SPSS22.0, for the evaluation of BCVA and SFCT, we compared the mean differences of preoperative and postoperative measurements. On the other hand, we estimated the correction relationship between BCVA and SFCT.
RESULTS: The BCVA at 3mo after operation was significantly higher than that before operation(P=0.011). We found a significant correlation between preoperative and postoperative 3mo BCVA(r=0.610, P<0.01), postoperative 1wk,1mo, 3mo showed no significant difference with preoperative SFCT(P=0.999). We found no significant correlation between BCVA and SFCT.
CONCLUSION: There was no significant change in choroid thickness after surgery, and also no significant correlation between visual function and choroid thickness.