目的:比较Pentacam与IOL Master对不同眼轴眼白内障眼前节参数的测量。
方法:选择空军军医大学唐都医院拟行白内障手术患者143例170眼,术前分别使用Pentacam和IOL Master测量眼前节参数,对两种测量结果进行比较分析。
结论:Pentacam与IOL Master对白内障术前长眼轴眼的角膜曲率测量值可以替代,对短、中眼轴眼角膜曲率和各眼轴眼的中央前房深度值的测量结果需要结合临床比较应用。
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AIM: To compare anterior segment parameters in eyes with cataracts and different axial lengths measured with Pentacam and IOL Master.
METHODS: This study included 170 eyes of 143 patients diagnosed as cataract at Tangdu Hospital, Air Force Medical University. For each patient, anterior segment parameters were measured before surgery with Pentacam and IOL Master system, respectively.
RESULTS: There were no statistically significant differences in K1 and K2 values of eyes with long axial length(P>0.05). And there were statistically significant differences in K2 values(P<0.01), but not K1 values(P>0.05)of eyes with short and middle axial lengths. There were statistically significant differences in ACD values of eyes with any axial length(P<0.01). The Bland-Altman showed that ACD values of eyes with any axial length and K2 values of eyes with long and middle axial lengths were both in good agreement, and K1 values of eyes with any axial length were in great agreement.
CONCLUSION: Pentacam and IOL Master can be interchanged for keratometry in eyes with long axial length, but the measurements of keratometry in eyes with short and middle axial lengths and ACD of eyes with any axial length should be compared in clinical application.