睑板腺功能障碍(meibomain gland dysfunction, MGD)是蒸发过强型干眼症的常见类型之一。MGD患者常常出现眼部干涩不适等眼表刺激症状,主要因为睑板腺分泌的睑脂成分发生质和(或)量的变化,导致泪膜欠稳定,蒸发速度增快,泪液渗透压增加。目前,治疗MGD的方法分为:物理治疗、局部滴眼液治疗及口服抗生素治疗。本文就目前临床常用的物理治疗方法进行综述,为各位临床医师提供合适的物理治疗方案选择,并为进一步基础研究提供参考。
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Meibomian gland dysfunction(MGD)is one of the common types of the evaporative dry eye. The patients usually feel dry eyes and other discomforts, which commonly characterized by terminal duct obstruction or/and qualitative and quatitative changes in the meibomian secretion.It may result in instability of the tear film, increasing of evaporative rate and osmotic pressure. In recent years, the traditional medical treatments for MGD consist of physical therapy, artificial tears,topical and systemic anti-inflammatory agents and antibiotics. This review focused on wide-used and current emerging physical therapy above,aiming to help clinicians to select appropriate treatments and provide reference for further study on MGD.