目的:通过多维度对近10a东莞地区4~22岁屈光不正人群中52 226条眼轴长度资料进行统计学分析,为防治屈光不正工作者提供资料参考。
方法:大样本回顾性研究。收集2009/2018年在东莞光明眼科医院门诊就诊的4~22岁屈光不正患者的性别、年龄及眼轴长度,共26 113人52 226眼。将眼轴长度数据置于性别、眼别、年龄3个维度内进行统计学分析。
结果:东莞地区4~22岁屈光不正人群中:女性眼轴长度短于男性(t=34.297,P<0.001); 左眼眼轴长度在10~22岁人群中短于右眼(t=5.362,P<0.001); 眼轴长度增长速率存在两个峰值,分别为7~8岁和18岁; 得出回归方程:男性(4~22岁)眼轴长度(mm)=21.97+0.224×年龄(F=14352.9,P<0.001,调整R2=0.332)、女性(4~22岁)眼轴长度(mm)=21.40+0.234×年龄(F=12491.9,P<0.001,调整R2=0.349)。
结论:东莞地区4~22岁人群中:女性平均眼轴长度短于男性; 随着年龄增长,10岁开始右眼轴增长速度快过左眼; 7~8岁及18岁阶段眼轴增长速度较快。
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AIM: To make a contribution to the work for myopia prevention and control by analyzing the date of 52 226 axial length characteristics statistically form multiple dimensionalities.
METHODS: A retrospective study with large sample was conducted. Sex, age and eye axial length of children and adolescent aged 4 to 22 with refractive errors who visited Dongguan Guangming Ophthalmological Hospital from 2009 to 2018 were collected. A total of 26 113 patients(52 226 eyes)were enrolled. Axial length data were analyzed statistically in three dimensions, including gender, laterality and age.
RESULTS: Among the children and adolescent aged 4 to 22 with refractive errors in Dongguan Area, axial length of female group was shorter than male group(t=34.297, P<0.001). The shorter axial length of left eye was observed in the group aged 10 to 22(t=5.362, P<0.001). There were two peaks in the growth rate of axial length: 7-8 years old and 18 years old respectively. A linear regression formula was derived: axial length in male group(mm)=21.97+0.224×age(F=14352.9, P<0.001 adjusted R2=0.332), axial length in female group(mm)=21.40+0.234 ×age(F=12491.9, P<0.001 adjusted R2=0.349).
CONCLUSION: Among the children and adolescent aged 4 to 22 in Dongguan, the average axial length of female is shorter than male. The increase of axial length were observed in the right eye compared to the left eye starting from the age of 10, the growth rate of axial length is faster in two age groups: 7 to 8 years old and 18 years old.