方法:经临床确诊的ROP患儿25例46眼纳入研究。其中,阈值前病变24眼,阈值病变22眼。46眼中,Ⅰ区病变20眼,Ⅱ区病变26眼。所有患儿均在全身麻醉下采用波长为810nm 的Iridis激光机经双目间接检眼镜输出,保留Ⅰ区及其颞侧2个视乳头直径区域不接受光凝,对其余无血管区进行光凝治疗。随访42~881(362±59.6)d,进行疗效分析。
结果:一次光凝术后病变完全消退38眼(83%); 进展期患眼8眼(17%)经Ⅰ区颞侧2PD区域补全激光光凝治疗,二次光凝治疗时间在首次治疗术后33~45d,病变完全消退。未出现局部纤维增生、局限性视网膜脱离等严重并发症。阈值前病变组24眼中,病变完全消退22眼(92%); 阈值病变组22眼中,病变完全消退10眼(73%)。两组病变完全消退率比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。
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AIM: To explore the clinical curative effect of semi-panretinal laser photocoagulation in treatment of the prethreshold and threshold retinopathy of premature(ROP)infants.
METHODS:Totally 25 patients with ROP were selected, 24 eyes of prethreshold, 22 eyes of threshold period. All preterm infants(46 eyes)were given semi-panretinal laser photocoagulation vialaser indirect ophthalmoscopy and completed the 42-881(362±59.6)d follow-up period.
RESULTS: ROP regressed after single photocoagulation in 38 eyes(83%)and in 8 eyes(17%)after the second photocoagulation totally. No infants had localized proliferation or detachment post total treatment. The regression of retinopathy was found in 22 eyes in prethreshold group(92%)and in 16 eyes in threshold group(73%), while the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).
CONCLUSION: The effects of semi-panretinal laser photocoagulation in treatment of the prethreshold and threshold ROP are quite. The benefits of protected larger vision field have the potential to improve ROP outcomes.