内毒素诱导的葡萄膜炎(endotoxin-induced uveitis,EIU)是革兰氏阴性菌感染相关的人类内源性葡萄膜炎的常用模型。然而在全身注射内毒素诱导的大鼠EIU中,尽管眼内组织表现出明显炎症,但在其它器官组织观察不到明显的病理组织学变化。大鼠眼内组织选择性被内毒素感染的现象提示,其眼内组织对内毒素可能具有某种未知的特殊敏感性。本文就大鼠眼内组织对内毒素特异敏感的可能原因进行综述分析,以期能为临床治疗葡萄膜炎提供新思路。
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Endotoxin-induced uveitis(EIU)has been established as a common model of a special kind of human uveitis, which has been linked to the infection of Gram-negative bacilli. Despite the florid ocular inflammation, there are no significant histopathological abnormalities in other organs or tissues of rats during EIU induced by systemic injection of endotoxin. The phenomenon that rats' ocular tissues are electively affected by endotoxin may reveal some unknown particular sensitivity of rat's ocular tissues. This article would review published papers on the reason for the particular sensitivity of rats' ocular tissues to endotoxin, which might help to provide new ideas for clinical treatment of human uveitis.