糖尿病性角膜病变(diabetic keratopathy,DK)是糖尿病在眼部的常见并发症之一,其主要临床表现包括干眼症、点状角膜炎、角膜上皮再生迟缓、反复的上皮糜烂、角膜知觉减退和角膜水肿等,主要发病机制为糖基化反应、多元醇通路和蛋白酶改变等。本文就糖尿病角膜病变的主要临床表现相对应的发病机制进行综述,以期对临床治疗提供新思路。
[Key word]
Diabetic keratopathy is one of the common complications of diabetes in the eye, the main clinical manifestations include dry eye diseases, punctate keratitis, slow regeneration of cornea epithelial, recurrent epiththelial erosions, degeneration of corneal sensitivity and corneal edema. The main pathogenesis is AGES, polyol pathway, the changes of proteinases, etc. This article mainly reviews the pathogenesis of its main clinical manifestations,expect to provide new ideas for clinical treatment.