方法:将我院2017-01-01/2019-04-30角膜深层异物患者72例72眼随机分为三组,除每例术后均予左氧氟沙星滴眼液和氧氟沙星眼膏预防感染治疗外,A组术后配戴SCL,简称戴镜组; B组术后局部使用rb-bFGF滴眼液,简称rb-bFGF组; C组为空白组。比较三组患者术后1、3、5d的疼痛不适感,1wk后角膜缺损修复度,以及1mo后自觉视觉质量受影响的相关因素。
结果:三组患者术后疼痛感比较,术后1、3、5d戴镜组疼痛感均明显低于rb-bFGF组和空白组; 术后3、5d时rb-bFGF组的疼痛感低于空白组。术后1wk,戴镜组和rb-bFGF组角膜修复度均较空白组高,但戴镜组和rb-bFGF组间角膜修复度无差异(P>0.05)。术后1mo,视觉质量是否受影响与异物位置相关,越靠近瞳孔区,影响越大(rs=0.635,P<0.001)。
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AIM: To investigate the repairment of wound by using soft contact lenses and rb-bFGF eye drops after deep foreign body removal.
METHODS: Patients with deep corneal foreign body(72 cases, 72 eyes)were randomly separated into three groups and received surgery to remove the foreign bodys. Patients in group C only accepted levofloxacin eye drops and ofloxacin eye ointment while patients in group A wore soft contact lenses and group B received rb-bFGF eye drops as an extra after operation. The corneal irritation and pain(1, 3, 5d), wound healing(1wk)and relevant factors in visual acuity impairment(1mo)were observed after deep foreign body removal.
RESULTS: Corneal irritation and pain scores in group A were significantly lower than that in the other two groups at 1, 3 and 5d after operation. Patients felt less painful in group B than group C at 3 and 5d. Corneal wound healing in groups A and B was significantly higher than group C at 1wk after surgery(P>0.05). The closer corneal foreign body was to the pupil area, the more vision was affected after 1mo operation(rs=0.635, P<0.05).
CONCLUSION: Soft contact lenses can effectively alleviate eye irritation after deep corneal foreign body removal in early time. Both SCL and rb-bFGF eye drops can accelerate the recovery of corneal wounds. Visual acuity impairment was closely related to the location of foreign body in deep corneal.