方法:采用横断面筛查研究。筛查时间为 2019-04-01/06-30,选择南充市城区三所小学三、四、五年级学生作为筛查对象。在选择筛查样本并参与研究后,均进行相关眼部检查,包括裂隙灯、眼底检查,测量视力、屈光度、远近距离隐斜视采用遮盖试验、集合近点、近距离正负融像性聚散功能测量,对每位参与者进行了集合不足症状调查问卷(CISS-15),评分≥21分被认为是阳性症状。
结果:在选取的4 123名学生中2 876名参加了研究,最后利用2 571名的数据进行了分析。参与者的年龄7~13(平均9.33±0.02)岁。集合不足总患病率为12.4%,不同年级患病率性别间无差异(χ2=0.479,P=0.489)。小学三、四、五年级学生中集合不足的患病率分别为12.4%、11.3%、13.5%,各年级之间集合不足患病率无差异(χ2=1.97,P=0.374)。三、四、五年级学生中近视患病率分别为15.1%、24.0%和34.5%,各年级之间近视患病率有差异(χ2=86.47,P<0.01)。641例近视学生中集合不足者240例,患病率为37.4%,而正视及远视学生中集合不足者80例,患病率为4.15%(χ2=489.54,P<0.01)。
[Key word]
AIM: To investigate the prevalence of convergence insufficiency(CI)of primary school children in Nanchong and to analysis its relationship with age, gender and myopia in a school screening study.
METHODS: A cross-sectional screening study was used to select students in grades three, four, and five of three primary schools in the urban area of Nanchong from April to June in 2019. They were all performed relevant eye examinations, including slit lamp, fundus examination, vision acuity, refraction, distance and near heterophoria with alternate cover test, near point of convergence(NPC), and near positive and negative fusional vergences. A questionnaire of convergence insufficiency symptom survey(CISS-15)was performed for each participant, and a score of ≥21 was considered as a positive symptom.
RESULTS: Of the 4123 students, 2876 students participated in the study. And the data was analyzed using 2571 participants. The average age of the participants was 9.33±0.02(7 to 13)years. The prevalence of CI was 12.4%, and analysis of variance showed no gender difference(χ2=0.479, P=0.489). The CI prevalence among primary third, fourth, and fifth grade students were 12.4%, 11.3% and 13.5%, respectively, and there was no statistically significant difference in the prevalence of CI between grades(χ2=1.97, P=0.374). The prevalence of myopia among students in the third, fourth and fifth grades was 15.1%, 24.0% and 34.5%, respectively, and the difference in the prevalence of myopia between grades was statistically significant(χ2=86.47, P<0.01). Of the 641 myopic students, 240(37.4%)were diagnosed as CI, while the CI prevalence of non-myopic students was 4.15%. The difference between the two groups was statistically significant(χ2=489.54, P<0.01).
CONCLUSION: This study shows that the overall prevalence of convergence insufficiency of primary school students in Nanchong was 12.4%, which was higher than most previous studies. The prevalence of convergence insufficiency in myopic students was significantly higher than that in non-myopic students. There was no statistical difference in the prevalence of convergence insufficiency between different grades and genders.
四川省科技计划项目(No. 2015JY0263); 南充市市校战略合作科技专项项目(No. 18SHZ0386); 四川省医学科研课题(No. S18034)