结果:造模后模型大鼠右眼眼压均显著升高,至造模后1mo,均高于28mmHg。手术组大鼠右眼视网膜神经节细胞数较对照组明显减少(79.83±9.58个 vs 119.50±8.26个,P<0.01),神经纤维层厚度明显变薄(6.64±0.50μm vs 13.40±0.60μm,P<0.01),而双七他克林(109.00±7.04个)和美金刚胺(107.33±8.57个)能够抑制青光眼所致的视网膜神经节细胞减少,且双七他克林能够抑制青光眼所致的视网膜神经纤维层萎缩(12.26±0.78μm)。
[Key word]
AIM: To assess the neuroprotective effect of bis(7)-tacrine in experimental Sprague-Dawley(SD)rat glaucoma.
METHODS: Totally 24 rats were randomly divided into control group, operated group, 0.5mg/kg bis(7)-tacrine group and 5mg/kg memantine group. Unilateral elevation of intraocular pressure(IOP)was produced by hypertonic saline injection into an episcleral vein. Animals were orally dosed daily with bis(7)-tacrine or memantine. IOP was measured in both eyes of animals per 3d, and the number of retinal ganglion cells and the thickness of nerve fiber layer axon bundle were measured at 5wk.
RESULTS: Elevated IOP were induced in 3 glaucoma groups. Compared with control group, the retinal ganglion cells decreased from 119.50±8.26 to 79.83±9.58 and the thickness of axon bundle come down from 13.40±0.60 μm to 6.64±0.50 μm in operated group. However the number of the retinal ganglion cells was 109.00±7.04 in bis(7)-tacrine group and 107.33±8.57 in memantine group individually. The thickness of axon bundle was 12.26±0.78μm in bis(7)-tacrine group and 10.13±1.19μm in memantine group individually.
CONCLUSION: Both bis(7)-tacrine and memantine inhibited retinal ganglion cells loss, but only bis(7)-tacrine decreased the thickness declining of axon bundle.
湖南省自然科学基金面上项目(No.2017JJ2287); 湖北省自然科学基金重点项目(No.2014CFA065)